Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My super powers

on the post labeled things to do when your bored one of them was to make a post saying all your super powers.... HERE ARE MINE!!!!

1) Super Awesomeness........ Comes in handy


3) The ability to make people do what i want.

4) X-Ray vision.

5) laser eyes.

6) I can also talk to animals.



Hello, one day i am going to save the world by, translating the animals to humans, and making them listen to the animals about world peace. then i wil fly and make flying toast. i will cut glass for people to use as weapons. i will be able to see through safes to tell people what is in them. i will use brain control to make the animals, well do what i want. and my super awesomeness will come in handy when the bad guys try to attack, flip the switch and my awesomeness will blind them!!!

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