Thursday, April 8, 2010


you know that feeling you get when everything in your life seems totally out of reach. or when you wake up at 12 p.m and feel sad because you've wasted half of your day doing nothing? i feel like that all the time. Why can't life be more simple than this? why can't we each have our own little universes where we can can do, say, and be whatever we want, without having anyone get in our way and change our mind to where we aren't the same people anymore. all we are is somebody who is hiding in a shell and they can only be them selves when they are alone. what doesn't make sense to me is why every one is so concerned with what we are. why can't people except that the way we are is who we are, yeah you can hide our true selves under a shell or rock but when it comes down in the end we will all end being the same person that we ha always been.

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