Thursday, April 8, 2010

things to do when your bored...........

1. Create a blog listing all of your super powers and how your going to save the world one day.

2. Try to read your dog's mind.

3. Make a bunch of useless origami crafts and throw them around your house.

4. Get out your cell phone and prank call people and try to get them to believe that they owe you money from the Chinese food you ordered them last night.

5. Challenge your self to a duel.

6. Play Rock, Paper, Scissors with yourself and accuse you left hand of cheating.

7. Crawl around your classroom humming the song from mission impossible.

8. Have a big turtle racing event, and put your turtle on steroids.

9. Make a You Tube video of you doing your secret talent.

10. Pretend that your cat talks, and have a conversation with them about world destruction.

11. Go on the computer and computer text all of your friends.

12. Make a little kid cry at school.

13. Give someone the look of death.

14. Go up to someone you don't know, introduce yourself, and then pretend to have a seizure.

15. Go in a chat room online and everything you say take off the last and first letter.

16. Try to control your friends mind when they are sleeping over at your house.

17. Run around the house with a towel tied around your neck saying that you need to save the world.

18. Get you bathing suit on and go in the shower, turn it on and sing either your favorite song, or your least favorite song at the top of your lungs.

19. In the middle of a big test, randomly yell CHEESE, and then tell everyone, "oops my bad i forgot to tell you i have turrets."

20. Get out an umbrella, go outside and turn on the hose. prop it up some how where the water can go up and fall like it's raining. run through a bazillion times and brag about how you didn't get wet.

21. See if diamonds really do cut glass..........(make sure to try it out on your neighbors house.

22. If you are short try to plant yourself in some soil, and ask your parents to water you every day, (so you can grow)

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